May 2022 Minutes
Download The Copy of May 2022 Minutes
Oakland County
Building Officials Association
Mike Wilson, City of Pontiac - President
Mike Viazanko, City of Rochester Hills – Vice President
Jeff Zielke, City of Birmingham – Secretary/Treasurer
Angelo Pizzo, City of Rochester Hills - Program Chairperson
Minutes Notes of the May 26, 2022 Monthly Meeting
President Mike Wilson called the business meeting to order at 12:58 PM
Approval of Minutes:
Motion made by – Jeff Bowdell
Supported by – Larry Butler
All a yes – motion passed
Approval of Treasurer’s Report:
Motion made by- Tom Berger
Supported by – Gerry McCallum
All a yes-motion passed
1. Senate Bill No. 363. Update from Jeff Bowdell regarding the bill status. There has been no movement on it.
2. Inter-local agreement. The Inter-local agreement and the website is to be updated as mentioned by Mike Wilson.
3. All day ICC Class. The all day ICC class will be June 23, 2022. It will be in-person. The class will be 6 hours of administrative credits. This is an approved plan with the State. Mike Viazanko mentioned that the website is a work in progress to be updated.
4. Committee for Recognitions of services recommended on a $250.00 gift to be approved for years of dedication and services to the organization by Tim Hollis. Approved by Charlie M and seconded by Jeff Bowdell.
New Business:
1. Annual Memberships . Mike Viazanko had opened a discussion regarding payment process for the upcoming year. The option of having a pay in full for the year. Electronic payments?
2. End of year meeting. Discuss on location was mentioned and the thought of having some type of entertainment. This is an open discussion topic.
Close Meeting: (Meeting closed at 1:15pm)
Motion made by – Larry Butler
Supported by – Mike Viazanko
All a yes – motion passed
Respectfully submitted,
Jeff Zielke
April 2022 Minutes
Download The Copy Of April 2022 Minutes
Oakland County
Building Officials Association
Mike Wilson, City of Pontiac - President
Mike Viazanko, City of Rochester Hills – Vice President
Jeff Zielke, City of Birmingham – Secretary/Treasurer
Angelo Pizzo, City of Rochester Hills - Program Chairperson
Minutes Notes of the April 28, 2022 Monthly Meeting
President Mike Wilson called the business meeting to order at 1:01 PM
Approval of Minutes:
Motion made by – Jeff Bowdell
Supported by – Charlie McIlhargey
All a yes – motion passed
Approval of Treasurer’s Report:
Motion made by- Tim Hollis
Supported by – Gerry McCallum
All a yes-motion passed
Old Business:
1. Senate Bill No. 363. Update from Jeff Bowdell regarding the bill status. It was a closed meeting. The NEC code no changes which it needs to go back to the floor.
2. Inter-local agreement. The Inter-local agreement is going to be updated as mentioned by Mike Wilson.
3. All day ICC Class. The all day ICC class will be June 23, 2022. It will be in-person. The class will be 6 hours of administrative credits.
4. COCM Spring Conference – Bay City. Tim Berger mentioned that the upcoming spring conference registration is posted on the website, which will held at the DoubleTree Hotel for May 16 - 18. Keith Lambert will be doing an admin. Update.
New Business:
1. Website updating. Mike Viazanko has an agreement to update the website.
2. Create a Committee for Recognitions of services rendered mentioned by Gerry McCallum.
Round Table:
1. Tim Berger raised the question regarding lead wall on foundations
2. Jeff Bowdell raised the topic of re-roofing permits.
Close Meeting: (Meeting closed at 3:47pm)
Motion made by – Tim Hollis
Supported by – Mike Viazanko
All a yes – motion passed
Respectfully submitted,
Jeff Zielke
March 2022 Minutes
Download The Copy Of March 2022 Minutes
Oakland County
Building Officials Association
Mike Wilson, City of Pontiac - President
Mike Viazanko, City of Rochester Hills – Vice President
Jeff Zielke, City of Birmingham – Secretary/Treasurer
Angelo Pizzo, City of Rochester Hills - Program Chairperson
Minutes Notes of the March 24, 2022 Monthly Meeting
President Mike Wilson called the business meeting to order at 12:57 PM
Approval of Minutes:
Motion made by – Jeff Bowdell
Supported by – Gerry McCallum
All a yes – motion passed
Approval of Treasurer’s Report:
Motion made by- Charlie McIlhargey
Supported by – ?
All a yes-motion passed
Old Business:
1. Senate Bill No. 363. Update from Jeff Bowdell regarding the bill status. The Senate is on spring break next week. Early next month a date and time is to be set to set for the meeting. Jeff Bowdell also mentioned that there are two trades labors that are opposing the bill. Dave Goodloe on April 14, 2022 had a discussion with the Lobbyist for the support and Dave mentioned that he would go as a spokesperson on behalf the organization.
2. Inter-local agreement. The Inter-local agreement is going to be addressed and discussed through a board meeting as mentioned by Mike Wilson. The thought is to create as committee to look at the existing agreement and make any necessary changes and also update the agreement with all the involved Jurisdictions.
3. All day ICC Class. Mike Wilson mentioned that there was a glich in the all day class. The application for the all day had never submitted to the ICC. Call are have been placed into the ICC to see what options that we can get to achieve the class and what classes would be offered.
4. COCM Spring Conference – Bay City. Tim Berger mentioned that the upcoming spring conference registration is posted on the website, which will held at the DoubleTree Hotel for May 16 - 18. The class schedule is posted to the COCM website as well. Gerry McCallum inquired about the fall conference of 2022 on where it will be held. Shanty Creek is the location of the fall conference, which will be September 26 -30.
New Business:
1. Website updating. Mike Wilson ask of help with the website. Our website needs updating and looking for a person to help with that. Tim Berger mention that he will provide us with the folks that are doing the website for COCM.
Close Meeting: (Meeting closed at 1:04pm)
Motion made by – Tim Hollis
Supported by – Scott Cope
All a yes – motion passed
Respectfully submitted,
Jeff Zielke
February 2022 Minutes
Download The Copy Of February 2022 Minutes
Oakland County
Building Officials Association
Mike Wilson, City of Pontiac - President
Mike Viazanko, City of Rochester Hills – Vice President
Jeff Zielke, City of Birmingham – Secretary/Treasurer
Angelo Pizzo, City of Rochester Hills - Program Chairperson
Minutes Notes of the February 24, 2022 Monthly Meeting
President Mike Wilson called the business meeting to order at 12:53 PM
Approval of Minutes:
Motion made by – Jeff Bowdell
Supported by – Tim Hollis
All a yes – motion passed
Approval of Treasurer’s Report:
Motion made by- Gerry McCallum
Supported by – Larry Butler
All a yes-motion passed
Old Business:
1. Membership applications for OCBOA and MADCAD, Memberships are still trickling in along with MadCad payments. The members that need to be listed as having access to Madcad needs clarified and if not list there will not be access for those not listed.
2. Inter-local agreement. The Inter-local agreement is being addressed to update the list of communities. Gerry McCallum explained that the bi-laws states that must be in good standings (active member) to be able to be in the inter-local agreement. The language discussion from Gerry McCallum that there should be language in the inter-local agreement that the community shall be in good standing and not changing the Bi-laws.
New Business:
1. TSX Blue structural sheathing. The question of what is everyone is seeing regarding this product. The installation instruction per the manufacturer specification need to be followed. The product is similar to Celetex product that was used in the past that was around an 1/8” in thickness and it was mentioned to get a 3rd party testing report.
2. All day ICC Class. Mike Wilson has sent the application in to the ICC all day. There has been no response for the ICC with the contact people that he has. Mike Wilson will be working on making a connection to set the class and to provide options for which classes are offered. Mike Viazanko mentioned to partner up with the AIA-detroit which they would do the same with their all day class. The number of attendee will need to be logistical figured out.
3. COCM Spring Conference – Bay City. Tim Berger mentioned that the upcoming spring conference will be held at the DoubleTree Hotel. This will be taking place on May 16-18. The program is set and registration for the conference will be posted to the COCM website.
4. Senate Bill No. 363. Jeff Bowdell’s update is that no meeting is rescheduled yet and he has been in contact with Forest Wall from the HBA.
5. Virtual Classes and Meetings: Mike Viazanko seeking information regarding virtual meeting and classes. RECI is conducting their meetings and classes this way. What are thoughts and options of where and how for future meetings.
6. Honorary Membership: Mike Viazanko placed a nomination for Scott Cope to receive an honorary membership for his 38 years of service. This was supported by all.
Close Meeting:
Motion made by –G. McCallum
Supported by – Tom Berger
All a yes – motion passed
Respectfully submitted,
Jeff Zielke
January 2022 Minutes
Download The Copy of January 2022 Minutes
Oakland County
Building Officials Association
Mike Wilson, City of Pontiac - President
Mike Viazanko, City of Rochester Hills – Vice President
Jeff Zielke, City of Birmingham – Secretary/Treasurer
Angelo Pizzo, City of Rochester Hills - Program Chairperson
Minutes Notes of the January 27, 2022 Monthly Meeting
President Mike Wilson called the business meeting to order at 1:22 PM
Approval of Minutes:
Motion made by – Jeff Bowdell
Supported by – Tim Hollis
All a yes – motion passed
Approval of Treasurer’s Report: (Tabled)
Motion made by- Gerry McCallum
Supported by – Tim Berger
All a yes-motion passed
Old Business:
Membership applications for OCBOA and MADCAD, Michael Viazanko advised the members that the renewal applications and payments are list was sent out. The issue is that the membership form would not completely filled out or just a check were sent with no application. All current MADCAD memberships were deleted and the new current list will be to utilize the MADCAD access. Future changes to the list will have to be done through the OCBOA board and not directly with MADCAD.
Senate Bill No. 363 A survey was sent to all the members of OCBOA and other organizations to express the concerns on how the codes are adopted. There was a hearing set for January 27, 2022 had been postponed that morning. The new meeting date will be announce once it is set. Jeff Bowdell will be looking for the information and will keep us posted.
New Business:
1. By-Laws for OCBOA –Madcad membership and inter local agreement. This question was raised as a community from a neighboring county want to join the organization. Gerry McCallum explained that the bi-laws states that must be in good standings (active member) to be able to have the Madcad membership and also be in the inter-local agreement. There was discussion from Jeff Bowdell to add language to the bi-laws, but with further discussion from Gerry McCallum that there should be language in the inter-local agreement and Madcad agreement to reflect that the community shall be in good standing.
2. All day ICC Class. Mike Wilson has sent the application in to the ICC all day. A list of choices will be announced only the list is generated. Tim Berger mentioned if the ICC was only doing virtual class. If that is the case can we get a location the with a screen where it can accomondate in person and virtual. Mike Viazanko mentioned to partner up with the AIA-detroit which they would do the same with their all day class. The number of attendee will need to be logistical figured out.
3. Class schedule preferences. Tim Berger suggested that Administrative credits and Gerry McCallum suggested that communication credit and also a round table open discussions are good. Angelo Pizzo has classes for February (Spray Poly – technical) and March (MIOSHA –admin). May will be Disaster call with Oakland County. Mike Viazanko mentioned that RECI has a class for plan review credits. Jeff Bowdell was stating a reminder that he plan review credits will need additional credit per discipline. COCM spring conference will be in Bay City in May.
Close Meeting:
Motion made by –Jeff Bowdell
Supported by – Tim Hollis
All a yes – motion passed
Respectfully submitted,
Jeff Zielke
October 2021 Minutes
Minutes Notes of the October 28, 2021 Monthly Meeting
President Dave Goodloe called the business meeting to order at 12:58 PM
Approval of Minutes:
Motion made by –Jeff Bowdell
Supported by – Jerome Hanna
All ayes – motion passed
Approval of Treasurer’s Report:
Motion made by- Tim Hollis
Supported by – Jeff Bowdell
All ayes-motion passed
Old Business:
Website Maintenance, Dave provided all the necessary documents to have our webmaster update the website.
December Meeting, Invitations going out with in the next couple weeks to all active members.
Marijuana Homes,
Nominations to the Board, The Board is currently seeking nominations to the board to be sworn in at our December meeting. Contact Tim Hollis; Larry Butler or Tim Berger if anyone is interested or wants to nominate someone.
New Business:
Codes- Effective Dates: The discussion was focused on how the state did not follow the statutory laws in place when adopting a new code. Books are not available prior to the effective date, communities have not been given official notification on the adoption of both the Plumbing and MRC codes.
It was brought up by Jeff Bowdell that he had a conversation with Forrest Wahl from HBA who spoke to Keith Lambert about the codes and it was discussed that the HBA wants to the state to go back to the way code adoptions use to be done and not the way things are being done now a days. It was also discussed that PA 368 has been violated and suggested that all organizations raise their dues by $20 to raise money to have a lobbyist attend the code changes to represent our industry. Currently there is no representation from the code enforcement side our business at these hearings. Some communities indicated that they have a lobbyist available to them already.
Open Topics,
Wayne Jewell indicated that code changes for 2024 codes are available and is encouraging all members that can go on line and vote to do so. There isn’t enough representation from Michigan voting on these changes in the past. There are changes proposed in the Building Code for heavy timber construction that is both concerning and interesting. There are already high rise buildings being construction out of heavy timber in Washington State and Columbus Ohio. American Wood Council has a video available showing a fire test on a three story building that everyone should view.
President Goodloe asked the members how they are handling the material shortages in their communities. Most communities require any openings unprotected to be temporarily closed off before they will allow insulation to be installed if windows are back ordered. Oakland Township and Rochester Hills does not allow a c/o to be issued without the siding and windows completed. Most communities will extend permits that are expired and projects incomplete when the delays are from material shortages.
Scott Cope from Rochester Hills asked if anyone is requiring a permit to install a chair lift in residential homes. Now that the state does not get involved in these it’s up to the communities to enforce the provisions in the MRC. The current MRC (2015 or is it 2018) is silent to the installation of these devices and has no minimum clearances to install them too. Tim Berger from Oakland Township has taken permits in the past. The inspected to confirm it was installed per the manufacture specifications.
Close Meeting:
Motion made by –Scott Cope
Supported by – Tim Hollis
All ayes – motion passed
Respectfully submitted,
Michael Viazanko
September 2021 Minutes
Minutes Notes of the September 23, 2021 Monthly Meeting
President Dave Goodloe called the business meeting to order at 12:48 PM
Approval of Minutes:
Motion made by –Larry Butler
Supported by – Scott Cope
All ayes – motion passed
Approval of Treasurer’s Report:
Motion made by- Report unavailable, on line banking glitch, will provide it for next meeting
Supported by –
Old Business:
1. Website Maintenance, Dave will have it completed by the October meeting
2. Low Voltage permits, Larry indicated that the City of Novi saw on the states website that they have low voltage as an option on their permit application. Lake Orion requires a separate permit for low voltage. Orchard Lake does not require a permit but it is required to be installed to code. City of Pontiac indicated that RECI indicated that the 2017 NEC requires a permit that was exempt in the 2014 NEC. Electrical Inspectors should convey to department heads of this change.
3. Storm Water Drainage, President Goodloe indicated that there is new requirements coming out from EGLE (formerly DEQ) and communities should look at their Ordinances to see if they need to be modified.
4. Stair Measurements, Scott Cope reminded the membership that Rochester Hills is working on setting up a meeting with builders, contractors and any communities that are interested to see how everyone can be consistent. Tom Berger asked if there’s been an issue in other communities. He’s had some cases he’s had to deal with in the past. Shelby Township uses a 2-block system to measure? Hold onto your hats this topic is still developing.
New Business:
1. December Meeting: President Goodloe indicated that the venue for the December meeting is at Canterbury Village and will be hosted on December 9th.
2. Amount for gifts, The membership voted on spending up to 750.00 for the gifts.
Motion made by –Glenn Bartoni
Supported by – Tom Berger
All ayes – motion passed
3. Marijuana Grow Homes/Caregivers, President Goodloe asked how communities are regulating marijuana grows. Pontiac is amending their Ordinance to try and get things under control. Lansing has bills in process to sunset a caregivers requirements and
reduce the amount of plants permitted. No one knew the bill number. Lake Orion has amending their Ordinance to restrict the amount of plans allowed.
4. Open Topics,
President Goodloe asked what the communities are doing to utilize funds from the Covid relief grants. Lake Orion is looking at converting their plan review process to be all electronic. City of Pontiac is looking to make up “smart zones” within the city that will have Wi-Fi.
2018 MRC Al Boscaglia from the City of Southfield how communities are going to enforce the 2018 MRC since the state hasn’t given clear direction and books aren’t available. Every member indicated that none of them have received an official notice from the state of the new code going into effect. The 2018 MPC is adopted even though no books are available and no one was given official notice. Jeff Bodel spoke with Keith Lambert over a week ago. He indicated to Jeff that the bureau is not at all involved with the code adoption process and is being done administratively. Mark Stimac indicated that if the state doesn’t adopt the 2018 MRC that the builders can use a supplement document that allows them the ability to use portions of the 2018 requirements even though we’d be under the 2015 MRC. Jeff Bodel indicated that organizations need to raise fees so that there is a funding source to support lobbyist to represent our industry in Lansing at these code change hearings.
5. Nomination for the Board, The Board is looking for nominations to the Board. The nomination committee is set with Past Presidents Larry Butler and Tim Berger.
Close Meeting:
Motion made by Doug Lowe
Supported by Larry Butler
All ayes - motion passed.
Respectfully submitted,
Michael Viazanko
June 2021 Minutes
Minutes Notes of the June 24, 2021 Monthly Meeting
President Dave Goodloe called the business meeting to order at 12:01 PM
Approval of Minutes:
Motion made by –Gerry McCullam
Supported by – Scott Cope
All ayes – motion passed
Approval of Treasurer’s Report:
Motion made by-Scott Cope
Supported by – Larry Butler
All ayes- motion passed
Old Business:
Bylaw changes, Gerry provided the membership the history for the proposed change to the by-laws. Both Gerry McCullam and Tim Hollis worked together to amend the by-laws to allow for up to four active members (currently allows two). This was proposed by Scott Cope during our March meeting. Some communities have larger staff that would benefit to be a member of OCBOA as an Active member but the current language restricts this to only two members. Since the membership was notified in the required time, the proposed changes comply with the By-Laws.
Motioned by: Gerry McCullam
Supported by: Mike Wilson
All attending members voted to approve-motion passed
Website Maintenance: President Goodloe will work on the website over the summer to get it up to date.
State Complaints: Rochester Hills notifies residents if their contractor isn’t responding to the complaints.
New Business:
Low-voltage permits: President Goodloe asked the members if they require a permit for low voltage wiring. Novi has been requiring them since 2020 as a separate permit. Orchard Lake does not require a permit but it’s inspected to assure it’s installed to meet code. Both Rochester Hills and Orion Township both require a separate permit and it’s inspected by the Electrical Inspector. Vice President indicated that the State of Michigan has “low voltage” identified on their permit application. There will be more discussion on this topic in the future, stand by for news!
Open Discussion:
Storm water drainage requirements was discussed but did not get much input from the members. Effective November 1st, new regulations were going into effect. Since this topic isn’t typically reviewed by Building Departments but usually Engineering, the members had no input.
OCBOA is going back to in person classes at Iroquois Club in September.
Scott Cope asked the members how they inspect stair risers. Since the code requires measurements from a “hard surface”. Rochester Hills is in the process of hosting a joint meeting with builders, contractors and other inspectors to get equal enforcement to this provision. ICC Commentary is specific on the method of measuring. With or without carpet? That is the question? Get your studying complete, I’m sure this will be talked about again in the fall. Interesting topic
President Goodloe asked the members who has ICC Certified permit technicians. Rochester Hills requires this as part of the hiring process. It allowed them to raise the pay scale to attract highly qualified customer service staff members. Orion Township also has support to require this as part of employment.
December Meeting will be back at Canterbury Village. Details to follow
Close Meeting:
Motion made by Scott Cope
Supported by Larry Butler
All ayes - motion passed.
Respectfully submitted,
Michael Viazanko
Attending members
David Goodloe
Mike Wilson
Mike Viazanko
Jeff Zielke
Gerry McCullum
Larry Butler
Jim Albus
Scott Cope
Jeff Bodell
May 2021 Minutes
Minutes Notes of the May 28, 2021 Monthly Meeting
President Dave Goodloe called the business meeting to order at 12:07 PM
Approval of Minutes:
Motion made by –Gerry McCullam
Supported by – Tim Hollis
All ayes – motion passed
Approval of Treasurer’s Report: April verbally presented by Michael Viazanko
Motion made by-Gerry McCullam
Supported by – Mike Wilson
All ayes- motion passed
Old Business:
Bylaw changes, Gerry provided the membership the history for the proposed change to the by-laws. Both Gerry McCullam and Tim Hollis worked together to amend the by-laws to allow for up to four active members (currently allows two). This was proposed by Scott Cope during our March meeting.
Some communities have larger staff that would benefit to be a member of OCBOA as an Active member but the current language restricts this to only two members.
President Goodloe asked if the by-laws should include website maintenance duties of a board member. Tim Hollis indicated that if it’s in the by-laws it would prevent the board from assigning it to a different board member if they get too busy. Keeping it out of the by-laws allows for much more flexibility to get this duty completed.
Since the proposed by-law changes were not sent out in the required time prior to the meeting, the vote from the membership will take place at the June meeting.
Retaining walls, President Goodloe is interested in getting information from the members so he can review for Lake Orion. Since he was absent last month he wanted to get up to date on how they’re being handled. Tim Hollis has offered to provide him a copy. Larry Butler provided information on how Novi handles these.
New Business:
Open Discussion:
President Goodloe asked for input on how communities handle state complaints against a builder. Tim Hollis provides some insight on how Rochester Hills handles them. Gerry McCullam acknowledged that they haven’t had one in years. There was discussion in regards to writing complaints under “workmanship” and if it can still be used since it’s not in the actual code. Mike Viazanko brought up that it was presented by Keith Lambert a couple years ago that we were allowed to write workmanship since it’s in the builders licensing law. I’m sure there will be further discussion on this topic, hang on tightly.
President Goodloe asked the members how they handle in ground pools and changing of the grades. Rochester Hills explained their process. Novi mentioned that the pool contractor has to remove the access dirt so they don’t change the grade and affect the surrounding properties.
President Goodloe asked how communities are coping with construction material shortage and costs. Some communities will issue a temporary ℅ if items on backorder are an interior item. The exterior needs to be completed to protect it from the weather. It appears that most communities handle these on a case by case basis.
Past President Tim Hollis brought up the challenge he faced on enforcing the requirements in their deck guide. A builder says it’s not a legal document since it’s not adopted by the state. Tim explained that it’s a guide for people to use since the MRC is silent on how to meet the requirements for guardrail loads etc.
i.Orion Township requires guardrail connection details to be included on the plans submitted for permit.
ii.Orchard Lake hands out the deck guide to their residents and contractors with positive feedback. way to go Gerry!
President Goodloe asked if anyone would be interested in doing June's meeting in person. The attending members had no interest since we already voted to stay virtual until after summer. Idea crashed and burned.
Close Meeting:
Motion made by Tim Hollis
Supported by Larry Butler
All ayes - motion passed.
Respectfully submitted,
Michael Viazanko