Minutes Notes of the October 28, 2021 Monthly Meeting
President Dave Goodloe called the business meeting to order at 12:58 PM
Approval of Minutes:
Motion made by –Jeff Bowdell
Supported by – Jerome Hanna
All ayes – motion passed
Approval of Treasurer’s Report:
Motion made by- Tim Hollis
Supported by – Jeff Bowdell
All ayes-motion passed
Old Business:
Website Maintenance, Dave provided all the necessary documents to have our webmaster update the website.
December Meeting, Invitations going out with in the next couple weeks to all active members.
Marijuana Homes,
Nominations to the Board, The Board is currently seeking nominations to the board to be sworn in at our December meeting. Contact Tim Hollis hollist@rochesterhills.org; Larry Butler lbutler@cityofnovi.org or Tim Berger tberger@oaklandtownship.org if anyone is interested or wants to nominate someone.
New Business:
Codes- Effective Dates: The discussion was focused on how the state did not follow the statutory laws in place when adopting a new code. Books are not available prior to the effective date, communities have not been given official notification on the adoption of both the Plumbing and MRC codes.
It was brought up by Jeff Bowdell that he had a conversation with Forrest Wahl from HBA who spoke to Keith Lambert about the codes and it was discussed that the HBA wants to the state to go back to the way code adoptions use to be done and not the way things are being done now a days. It was also discussed that PA 368 has been violated and suggested that all organizations raise their dues by $20 to raise money to have a lobbyist attend the code changes to represent our industry. Currently there is no representation from the code enforcement side our business at these hearings. Some communities indicated that they have a lobbyist available to them already.
Open Topics,
Wayne Jewell indicated that code changes for 2024 codes are available and is encouraging all members that can go on line and vote to do so. There isn’t enough representation from Michigan voting on these changes in the past. There are changes proposed in the Building Code for heavy timber construction that is both concerning and interesting. There are already high rise buildings being construction out of heavy timber in Washington State and Columbus Ohio. American Wood Council has a video available showing a fire test on a three story building that everyone should view.
President Goodloe asked the members how they are handling the material shortages in their communities. Most communities require any openings unprotected to be temporarily closed off before they will allow insulation to be installed if windows are back ordered. Oakland Township and Rochester Hills does not allow a c/o to be issued without the siding and windows completed. Most communities will extend permits that are expired and projects incomplete when the delays are from material shortages.
Scott Cope from Rochester Hills asked if anyone is requiring a permit to install a chair lift in residential homes. Now that the state does not get involved in these it’s up to the communities to enforce the provisions in the MRC. The current MRC (2015 or is it 2018) is silent to the installation of these devices and has no minimum clearances to install them too. Tim Berger from Oakland Township has taken permits in the past. The inspected to confirm it was installed per the manufacture specifications.
Close Meeting:
Motion made by –Scott Cope
Supported by – Tim Hollis
All ayes – motion passed
Respectfully submitted,
Michael Viazanko