Download The Copy of January 2022 Minutes
Oakland County
Building Officials Association
Mike Wilson, City of Pontiac - President
Mike Viazanko, City of Rochester Hills – Vice President
Jeff Zielke, City of Birmingham – Secretary/Treasurer
Angelo Pizzo, City of Rochester Hills - Program Chairperson
Minutes Notes of the January 27, 2022 Monthly Meeting
President Mike Wilson called the business meeting to order at 1:22 PM
Approval of Minutes:
Motion made by – Jeff Bowdell
Supported by – Tim Hollis
All a yes – motion passed
Approval of Treasurer’s Report: (Tabled)
Motion made by- Gerry McCallum
Supported by – Tim Berger
All a yes-motion passed
Old Business:
Membership applications for OCBOA and MADCAD, Michael Viazanko advised the members that the renewal applications and payments are list was sent out. The issue is that the membership form would not completely filled out or just a check were sent with no application. All current MADCAD memberships were deleted and the new current list will be to utilize the MADCAD access. Future changes to the list will have to be done through the OCBOA board and not directly with MADCAD.
Senate Bill No. 363 A survey was sent to all the members of OCBOA and other organizations to express the concerns on how the codes are adopted. There was a hearing set for January 27, 2022 had been postponed that morning. The new meeting date will be announce once it is set. Jeff Bowdell will be looking for the information and will keep us posted.
New Business:
1. By-Laws for OCBOA –Madcad membership and inter local agreement. This question was raised as a community from a neighboring county want to join the organization. Gerry McCallum explained that the bi-laws states that must be in good standings (active member) to be able to have the Madcad membership and also be in the inter-local agreement. There was discussion from Jeff Bowdell to add language to the bi-laws, but with further discussion from Gerry McCallum that there should be language in the inter-local agreement and Madcad agreement to reflect that the community shall be in good standing.
2. All day ICC Class. Mike Wilson has sent the application in to the ICC all day. A list of choices will be announced only the list is generated. Tim Berger mentioned if the ICC was only doing virtual class. If that is the case can we get a location the with a screen where it can accomondate in person and virtual. Mike Viazanko mentioned to partner up with the AIA-detroit which they would do the same with their all day class. The number of attendee will need to be logistical figured out.
3. Class schedule preferences. Tim Berger suggested that Administrative credits and Gerry McCallum suggested that communication credit and also a round table open discussions are good. Angelo Pizzo has classes for February (Spray Poly – technical) and March (MIOSHA –admin). May will be Disaster call with Oakland County. Mike Viazanko mentioned that RECI has a class for plan review credits. Jeff Bowdell was stating a reminder that he plan review credits will need additional credit per discipline. COCM spring conference will be in Bay City in May.
Close Meeting:
Motion made by –Jeff Bowdell
Supported by – Tim Hollis
All a yes – motion passed
Respectfully submitted,
Jeff Zielke