Download The Copy Of February 2022 Minutes
Oakland County
Building Officials Association
Mike Wilson, City of Pontiac - President
Mike Viazanko, City of Rochester Hills – Vice President
Jeff Zielke, City of Birmingham – Secretary/Treasurer
Angelo Pizzo, City of Rochester Hills - Program Chairperson
Minutes Notes of the February 24, 2022 Monthly Meeting
President Mike Wilson called the business meeting to order at 12:53 PM
Approval of Minutes:
Motion made by – Jeff Bowdell
Supported by – Tim Hollis
All a yes – motion passed
Approval of Treasurer’s Report:
Motion made by- Gerry McCallum
Supported by – Larry Butler
All a yes-motion passed
Old Business:
1. Membership applications for OCBOA and MADCAD, Memberships are still trickling in along with MadCad payments. The members that need to be listed as having access to Madcad needs clarified and if not list there will not be access for those not listed.
2. Inter-local agreement. The Inter-local agreement is being addressed to update the list of communities. Gerry McCallum explained that the bi-laws states that must be in good standings (active member) to be able to be in the inter-local agreement. The language discussion from Gerry McCallum that there should be language in the inter-local agreement that the community shall be in good standing and not changing the Bi-laws.
New Business:
1. TSX Blue structural sheathing. The question of what is everyone is seeing regarding this product. The installation instruction per the manufacturer specification need to be followed. The product is similar to Celetex product that was used in the past that was around an 1/8” in thickness and it was mentioned to get a 3rd party testing report.
2. All day ICC Class. Mike Wilson has sent the application in to the ICC all day. There has been no response for the ICC with the contact people that he has. Mike Wilson will be working on making a connection to set the class and to provide options for which classes are offered. Mike Viazanko mentioned to partner up with the AIA-detroit which they would do the same with their all day class. The number of attendee will need to be logistical figured out.
3. COCM Spring Conference – Bay City. Tim Berger mentioned that the upcoming spring conference will be held at the DoubleTree Hotel. This will be taking place on May 16-18. The program is set and registration for the conference will be posted to the COCM website.
4. Senate Bill No. 363. Jeff Bowdell’s update is that no meeting is rescheduled yet and he has been in contact with Forest Wall from the HBA.
5. Virtual Classes and Meetings: Mike Viazanko seeking information regarding virtual meeting and classes. RECI is conducting their meetings and classes this way. What are thoughts and options of where and how for future meetings.
6. Honorary Membership: Mike Viazanko placed a nomination for Scott Cope to receive an honorary membership for his 38 years of service. This was supported by all.
Close Meeting:
Motion made by –G. McCallum
Supported by – Tom Berger
All a yes – motion passed
Respectfully submitted,
Jeff Zielke