Download The Copy Of March 2022 Minutes
Oakland County
Building Officials Association
Mike Wilson, City of Pontiac - President
Mike Viazanko, City of Rochester Hills – Vice President
Jeff Zielke, City of Birmingham – Secretary/Treasurer
Angelo Pizzo, City of Rochester Hills - Program Chairperson
Minutes Notes of the March 24, 2022 Monthly Meeting
President Mike Wilson called the business meeting to order at 12:57 PM
Approval of Minutes:
Motion made by – Jeff Bowdell
Supported by – Gerry McCallum
All a yes – motion passed
Approval of Treasurer’s Report:
Motion made by- Charlie McIlhargey
Supported by – ?
All a yes-motion passed
Old Business:
1. Senate Bill No. 363. Update from Jeff Bowdell regarding the bill status. The Senate is on spring break next week. Early next month a date and time is to be set to set for the meeting. Jeff Bowdell also mentioned that there are two trades labors that are opposing the bill. Dave Goodloe on April 14, 2022 had a discussion with the Lobbyist for the support and Dave mentioned that he would go as a spokesperson on behalf the organization.
2. Inter-local agreement. The Inter-local agreement is going to be addressed and discussed through a board meeting as mentioned by Mike Wilson. The thought is to create as committee to look at the existing agreement and make any necessary changes and also update the agreement with all the involved Jurisdictions.
3. All day ICC Class. Mike Wilson mentioned that there was a glich in the all day class. The application for the all day had never submitted to the ICC. Call are have been placed into the ICC to see what options that we can get to achieve the class and what classes would be offered.
4. COCM Spring Conference – Bay City. Tim Berger mentioned that the upcoming spring conference registration is posted on the website, which will held at the DoubleTree Hotel for May 16 - 18. The class schedule is posted to the COCM website as well. Gerry McCallum inquired about the fall conference of 2022 on where it will be held. Shanty Creek is the location of the fall conference, which will be September 26 -30.
New Business:
1. Website updating. Mike Wilson ask of help with the website. Our website needs updating and looking for a person to help with that. Tim Berger mention that he will provide us with the folks that are doing the website for COCM.
Close Meeting: (Meeting closed at 1:04pm)
Motion made by – Tim Hollis
Supported by – Scott Cope
All a yes – motion passed
Respectfully submitted,
Jeff Zielke