Minutes Notes of the June 24, 2021 Monthly Meeting
President Dave Goodloe called the business meeting to order at 12:01 PM
Approval of Minutes:
Motion made by –Gerry McCullam
Supported by – Scott Cope
All ayes – motion passed
Approval of Treasurer’s Report:
Motion made by-Scott Cope
Supported by – Larry Butler
All ayes- motion passed
Old Business:
Bylaw changes, Gerry provided the membership the history for the proposed change to the by-laws. Both Gerry McCullam and Tim Hollis worked together to amend the by-laws to allow for up to four active members (currently allows two). This was proposed by Scott Cope during our March meeting. Some communities have larger staff that would benefit to be a member of OCBOA as an Active member but the current language restricts this to only two members. Since the membership was notified in the required time, the proposed changes comply with the By-Laws.
Motioned by: Gerry McCullam
Supported by: Mike Wilson
All attending members voted to approve-motion passed
Website Maintenance: President Goodloe will work on the website over the summer to get it up to date.
State Complaints: Rochester Hills notifies residents if their contractor isn’t responding to the complaints.
New Business:
Low-voltage permits: President Goodloe asked the members if they require a permit for low voltage wiring. Novi has been requiring them since 2020 as a separate permit. Orchard Lake does not require a permit but it’s inspected to assure it’s installed to meet code. Both Rochester Hills and Orion Township both require a separate permit and it’s inspected by the Electrical Inspector. Vice President indicated that the State of Michigan has “low voltage” identified on their permit application. There will be more discussion on this topic in the future, stand by for news!
Open Discussion:
Storm water drainage requirements was discussed but did not get much input from the members. Effective November 1st, new regulations were going into effect. Since this topic isn’t typically reviewed by Building Departments but usually Engineering, the members had no input.
OCBOA is going back to in person classes at Iroquois Club in September.
Scott Cope asked the members how they inspect stair risers. Since the code requires measurements from a “hard surface”. Rochester Hills is in the process of hosting a joint meeting with builders, contractors and other inspectors to get equal enforcement to this provision. ICC Commentary is specific on the method of measuring. With or without carpet? That is the question? Get your studying complete, I’m sure this will be talked about again in the fall. Interesting topic
President Goodloe asked the members who has ICC Certified permit technicians. Rochester Hills requires this as part of the hiring process. It allowed them to raise the pay scale to attract highly qualified customer service staff members. Orion Township also has support to require this as part of employment.
December Meeting will be back at Canterbury Village. Details to follow
Close Meeting:
Motion made by Scott Cope
Supported by Larry Butler
All ayes - motion passed.
Respectfully submitted,
Michael Viazanko
Attending members
David Goodloe
Mike Wilson
Mike Viazanko
Jeff Zielke
Gerry McCullum
Larry Butler
Jim Albus
Scott Cope
Jeff Bodell