March 2021 Minutes

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Minutes Notes of the March 25, 2021 Annual Meeting

President Goodloe called the business meeting to order at 12:02 PM 

Approval of Minutes: 

Motion made by –Scott Cope 

Supported by – Jeff Zielke

All ayes – motion passed

Approval of Treasurer’s Report: March  

Motion made by-Gerry McCullum

Supported by – Bruce Johnson 

All ayes- motion passed

Old Business: President Goodloe discussed.

  1. Here is the up to date amount of members from Michael Viazanko. The membership renewals are currently at 44 members with 50 members signed up with Madcad.

  2. Classes/Training, David Goodloe asked the membership about extending the eligible attendees to other individuals needing Act 407 credits that are not members of OCBOA. It was supported by the membership to allow for them to attend even if they are not active members. This support will be in effect until the end of the current Act 407 cycle. This will be discussed at the September meeting to see if we should extend it further. The reason for allowing the additional attendees is to get other inspectors and other code officials the necessary training needed to get their registration renewed in September. It doesn’t seem that LARA is going to make any adjustments or extensions to the deadline due to the pandemic. Gerry McCullum will review the bylaws and bring it back to the Members at the April meeting to make sure we are not violating any of them.

  3. The members discussed the need to have damage assessment training with Oakland County. Tim Hollis mentioned that Semboia is currently working on setting up a training with them for their April Semboia meeting. OCBOA will wait and see if that class is scheduled before proceeding with setting a class up for the members.

  4. Members have agreed to continue using Iroquois Club when in person meetings are resumed.

New Business:  

  • Hybrid Training, It was discussed with the members about having a “hybrid” style meeting. Having a meeting in person while it would be streamed to the members that couldn’t attend due to covid restrictions. It was recommended to postpone any in person meetings until the organization regroups after the summer months. This will be determined on the status of the covid restrictions at that time. All the members agreed to proceed with zoom meetings until the summer break.

  • Tim Hollis gave an update on what Rochester Hills is doing about roofing permits. They are currently still working on a program and brochures and will present it to the members when it’s completed.

  • Tim Berger advised the members that COCM Spring conference will be in person as of now. The education agenda has been up loaded onto the website. They will also have some training done remotely so people will have to check their website.

  • Scott Cope has asked for the membership to review the by-laws to allow for additional staff members that hold a supervisory position within a community to have a membership that will allow them to vote or hold a board position if they are an “associate” members. The membership was receptive to the idea and wanted it reviewed. Gerry McCullum has volunteered himself and Tim Hollis to research it and bring an update back to the April meeting.

  • It was presented to the membership by Mike Viazanko that Glen Dempsey from Ann Arbor wanted to know if OCBOA would be interested in joining up with Mid-Michigan Code Officials about doing a joint training session with other organizations in Michigan. They want to split the cost to have an all-day virtual training with Russel Thornberg. The membership agreed that OCBOA is not interested in joining up with them. OCBOA is an organization that does not have extra funds to commit to this cost.

  • President Goodloe announced that he is working on a policy and procedure regarding record retention at Orion Township. He will share the final document with the members when it’s completed.

  • The members have expressed to the Board that the Eventbrite process is a great option for registering for OCBOA events. Michael Viazanko will look at making a couple small changes to make it easier for members to log into the meeting. Many members tried to log in with the information on their calendar reminder but it didn’t work. This new registration method will continue even when in person meetings take place again. Registering on line through Eventbrite will eliminate the need for members to pay in cash.

Close Meeting:

Motion made by Gerry McCullum

Supported by Mike Wilson 

All ayes - motion passed. 

Respectfully submitted,

Michael Viazanko
