Minutes Notes of the February 25, 2021 Annual Meeting
President Goodloe called the business meeting to order at 12:03 PM (since Mike Wilson was late)
Approval of Minutes:
Motion made by –Dave Goodloe
Supported by – Jeff Zielke
All ayes – motion passed
Approval of Treasurer’s Report: January & February
Motion made by- Tim Hollis
Supported by – Tammy Murray
All ayes- motion passed
Old Business: President Goodloe discussed.
1. Michael Viazanko provided an update to the attendees on the membership renewals and Madcad. There was a total of 35 renewals and 19 communities renewed with Madcad
There are some communities that paid Madcad but still have to renew their membership
New Business: “Roundtable”
• Classes/Training, Discussion from the membership to charge for virtual classes that have Act 407 credits. Instructors are charging the organization and the cost has to be absorbed by the attendees. It was also discussed that during these unprecedented times that the organization allow guests to attend that are a staff member from a community in good standing. It was motioned by Tim Berger and supported by Tim Hollis to charge a fee of 20.00 per attendee for virtual meetings with Act 407 credits. All members approved motion passed. This will be discussed further if we have to stay with virtual meetings after June.
• The Board has to work on getting ideas on to process payments with the least financial cost to the organization. Details will come forward at next month’s meeting.
• Attendees discussed the option of relocating the in person meetings once we are able to do so. Currently OCBOA is losing money at each in person meeting due to low attendance and no shows. We have to pay a minimum fee that isn’t always met therefore the organization has to cover the shortage. Though it was discussed it was decided to stay at Iroquois Club. As we transition to electronic payment this will eliminate the cost burden of no shows. Board will discuss with Iroquois Club what they intend to do in the future for the organization. Details to follow.
• It was also brought up that the membership renewal fee should be raised from 35.00 to 50.00 to help with the shortage and be comparable with other organizations. It was motioned by Dave Goodloe and supported by Larry Butler to raise the fee beginning on January 1, 2022, all members agreed motion passed.
• Roofing permits, (got to love them) Tim Hollis from the City of Rochester Hills wanted to discuss with the members the progress they are making on this topic. They’ve been working on completing a new procedure that they will be implementing in the next 60
days. He’s agreed to share with the members at the March meeting on the final outcome. Details to follow and I’m sure more discussions on this topic coming.
• Tim Hollis from Rochester Hills also wanted to discuss how communities are enforcing insulation requirements for finished basements. He asked if everyone is requiring compliance to the energy code. The responses are as follows, some communities allow people to leave the rolled down blanket insulation installed on new construction and make then insulate below it. Some communities allow them the slice the plastic covering on the blankets and then insulate in front of the blankets. He also asked how communities handled older homes. On older homes they some just require insulation and other communities had no input. What appeared to be a simple topic actually became an eye opener on how each community handles this topic?
Close Meeting:
Motion made by Mike Viazanko
Supported by Larry Butler
All ayes - motion passed.
Respectfully submitted,
Michael Viazanko